black & lesbian
i'm not fussy about pronouns

gl nl bl alljoshi i like it all

i'm blunt and opinionated
autistic but not in the white way

All My Favorite Songs


Boy Division

My Chemical Romance




i'm a yumejoshi
self/canon & oc/canon

i really have no opinion on


DNI if you take terms like proship and anti seriously please i am 23 years old

i like things in fiction that are bad or questionable irl but this does not include incest, pedophilia, or noncon. DNI if you like these things

i hate project sekai & identity v
i hate milgram fans

i LOOOOOVE sotama
and i like gakutenn and yamayuki so dni if that's a problem for you


my top 5 favorite characters are
kamui, amane momose, miya miyao, rika furude, and nanami kiryu
right now i really like tamaki yotsuba and tenn kujo


星井美希 (CV: 長谷川明子), 如月千早 (CV: 今井麻美), 菊地真 (CV: 平田宏美), 三浦あずさ (CV.たかはし智秋), 我那覇響 (CV: 沼倉愛美), 秋月律子 (CV: 若林直美)

these are my all time favorite things, but i have a really wide variety of interests. currently im really into idolish7